Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3.5 & 9

Isn't she a beauty?
The pictures came in from picture day at school. I said to the photographer, "She never smiles that nice for me." He said, "Did you have a monkey on your head?" Alas. My response could only be 'no'.

Her favorite things to do is to decapitate any flower that she sees. Maybe not every flower, but I've developed quite a collection of dried up, smashed flowers scattered all over my car, random flowers shoved in a vase in the kitchen, and she's even give her teachers flowers too. She is a sweetheart but I have to limit her flower picking to one a day. maybe two if there's a lot. And to tell her that those aren't ours or this isn't our yard or our flowers so we shouldn't be picking them without asking.

At 9 months old my baby is starting to pop out his first teeth. The front bottom two look like they'll erupt while we're in Disney World...great. That's next week. He's drooling all over the place, like normal. He's been doing that since birth, it seems. Jeremy is also getting better at the Mama and Dadas but I'm not sure he knows what he's saying yet. He's sitting up very well now and can reach over to his pacifier and put it back in his mouth. He also enjoys eating solids. He'll tell you if he's still hungry and you better get him something else in his mouth or he'll keep screaming and whining at you.

Jeremy is still very clingy to Mom and Cathleya always seems to chime in with her "I want Mommy" routine whenever Jeremy cries for me. I think they're both learning about jealousy. But Cathleya still likes kissing Jeremy.

So our first airplane ride for both kids starts on Saturday. I'll be in denial until we land. Then I'll be excited to go to Disney World. But until then, it's all logistics and planning at this point. What to pack, what the airline requirements are, what security will let us bring, do we need a car seat, do we check it in, what about the strollers, what 'must haves' do we need out of the nursery, how much baby food can we bring on the plane, should we buy the rest when we get there, same with diapers, where on a plane do you change an infant, etc. Not to mention packing for Cathleya our ourselves. But every morning Cathleya asks if we're going to Disney World today. She'll have a blast. I just hope she's not moody when we have to get her out of the house by 4am.

Things Cathleya says:
- I don't want to wear that jacket. It makes me crazy. *starts to wiggle around*
- G'pa: See you later, alligator. Cathleya: I'm not an alligator.
- *She farts* Was that a mouse???

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