Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not the Mama

Jeremy is so clingy these days. Such the Mama's boy. If I get him distracted doing something else and try to do a load of laundry or brush my teeth or whatever, he comes looking for me, whimpering "Mommy! Mommy!" I think as soon as he figured out my name wasn't Daddy, he only wanted me after that. Its endearing and yet tiring. I don't get to eat hot food when we go out to a restaurant. He doesn't like sitting still. And since he doesn't want to go to Daddy, I get to walk him around or try to make him sit on my lap. High chairs seem to be so beneath him, no pun intended. He'd rather sit on his knees in a chair, playing drums with his chopsticks or forks. Of course that's after watching his sister do the exact same thing.

He's such a sponge and talks more too. He'll take his cars and say 'Set, go!', as if you were the one to say "Ready" for him. He'll do that on the slides at the playground too. This morning he said, "Out pease" and pointed to the end of the bed. Then he lifted his hand up toward the ceiling and said, "Mommy, Up." He's also mastering "NO!" with the head shaking.

Cathleya will say, "aaahhhhh" as we go down a hill in the car. Jeremy will join in midway. Wherever she's sitting, he wants to sit. Whatever she's playing with, he wants to play with the same exact thing. Cathleya will sometimes give up her toy right away but usually just tries to "No, not for you" him. Or just scream. There's a lot more screaming going on in our house. So much love.

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