Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Long awaited update

Wow, it's been over a year since the last post???  Clearly we've been a bit busy.  Here's a recap of some events that stick out in my mind from the last year.

July 2012
Jeremy turns 2.  Lots of Disneyland this year.  Finally weans off the bottle.

I go to Miami for a much needed girls only trip.  Chris survived with the kids at Grandma's house.

August 2012
Cathleya starts Kindergarten at a new school, room 7 with Mrs. Shah.  So excited.  She's shy at first but opens up and makes new friends.  Luckily a few girls from her preschool join her in room 7.

The kids get a new bunk bed to share.  No more crib.

September 2012
Cathleya starts her after school gymnastics class.  She loves it.  Jeremy eventually tries to copy her as she learns more things.

Firefly 5k run at night in our neighborhood.  We all participate.  Cathleya walks with Daddy as I push Jeremy in the stroller full of glow bracelets on the wheels.

October 2012
Breaking ground on our house expansion.  Pushing out the back to add a bedroom, bathroom, and basement stairs inside the house, and pushing out the front room and adding a new porch.  New garage and no more cottage.

Cathleya turns 5.  She gets student of the month.

November 2012
Jeremy starts talking more.  Still baby talk but definitely more engaging.

Last Disneyland trip for a while.  No more annual pass.

December 2012
Jeremy gets a growth spurt and talks and acts like a toddler now.  Forming more structured thoughts and sentences.  Not full complete ones, but getting there. 

January 2013
The new roof gets put up.  New porch put in.  Our house looks like a house again.

February 2013
The new garage gets built.

Cathleya's Ninang passes away.  Cathleya takes it well.  Don't think she completely understands death, but she knows she won't see her again and that she's in heaven.  I didn't think I'd have to have that conversation with her so young. 

March 2013
Jeremy starts preschool.  Daycare couldn't handle his terrible 2's with the other girl going through it at the same time.  So they both move to the preschool at Cathleya's elementary school.  One drop off and pick up is great.  Now to get that boy out of diapers so I can pay less for tuition.  Cathleya checks on him at recess across the fence.  He doesn't take long to get acquainted with the place and the teachers.  He still has his occasional melt down mornings, but we take it in stride.

April 2013
The house is nearly done.  We do the bathrooms finishing work ourselves.  It takes longer than we planned but we get through it.  Waiting on the floor guy.  Dragging his feet.

May 2013
Since Cathleya is in gymnastics, she'll be in the school wide end of the year show, Mary Poppins, at the Center for Performing Arts in San Jose.  Costumes come in, pictures are taken, rehearsals on the weekends.  I didn't know she'd be in it or have to commit to so much but Cathleya loves every minute of it. 

Final inspection on the house just in time for Cinco de Mayo.  Party time!!  There will always be flaws that we discover as time goes on, but the new space is amazing.  Cathleya loves having the room to do cartwheels all over the new family room.  Jeremy loves running his cars back and forth.  Cathleya still to this day doesn't want to sleep in her own new room, but I guess we'll live with it for a while.  She doesn't want to be far from everyone.  But her clothes and toys are more than happy to get its own room.  She even starts taking big girl showers now that she has her own bathroom.  Such an accomplishment.

June 2013
Cathleya's debut in Mary Poppins.  She has to sit through the whole show until nearly the last act where her gymnastics group is on stage maybe a whopping 3 minutes, of which Cathleya only gets like 20 seconds of stage time.  The grandmas are peeved but Cathleya had a blast.  She got to wear makeup and everything.  She definitely wants to do it again next year.

July 2013
Jeremy turns 3 years old.  Potty training in full force at school.  The teachers realized changing him on a changing table was counter productive.  Doing it next to the toilet helps him get used to the toilet and what it's used for.  Such a difference.  Still has accidents but isn't wearing pull ups at night either.  What a trooper.  We do a whole lot more laundry now but that will pass.  He's so much more social now and learning the songs from school.  He still gets in some scraps and arguments with other kids which result in biting and scratching (both given and received), and phone calls from the teacher.

Cathleya's 2 week swimming camp goes great.  Getting used to the water but must wear goggles to be comfortable.  Eh, its a start.

August 2013
Annual family Yosemite trip.  Cathleya is willing to take showers there now that she's gotten used to the idea at home.  Makes life so much easier.  Although she does make us wait for the handicap stall which has a seat and is bigger.  But I won't complain about having more room.  Jeremy is big enough to enjoy himself more too.  Runs around chasing squirrels with a water gun, getting super dirty.  The both have a blast with their cousins, playing in the river on the boat, camp fires and s'mores.

We go to SLO to take family pictures by my friend Mike.  They turn out great.  So hard to keep those two kids sitting still and smiling nice.  Mike does amazing things with a camera and we get a bunch of good shots.  Thanks Mike!

School starts again.  Jeremy is in the same preschool class, until he can go a week without an accident.  Cathleya moves to first grade with Mr. Martin in room 1.  More homework but now there's study hall after school.  She's there for extended day anyway, so she might as well do her homework there too.  No more homework tantrums at home... hopefully.

September 2013
Gymnastics starts again.  Same teacher as last year.  There's some back and forth if she'll be in the intermediate class or the beginners which she's technically listed in.  We'll see what happens.  She's good enough to be in the big kid class, but, well, she is the smallest one there.  But she's skilled enough for it.  That means, she wants to wear the same things the big girls wear... sports bras and biker shorts.  Uhh... not for this 6 year old.  Tank tops will do fine.

Jeremy's been doing so good with potty training this month.  Very few accidents overnight.  He might come in and say he needs to go, but it's good he's waking up and telling us.  I mean me.  Daddy sleeps like a rock.  Jeremy did have some night terrors early on the potty training, but we haven't had any lately.  Keep our fingers crossed.  If he gets through a month without accidents at school, he'll move to the next class.  He even knows the difference when he needs to stand or sit on the toilet.

Kids' 2nd drive in movie experience.  Planes and Despicable Me 2.  Long night, but a great time with Haylee and Kayla.

So we've inherited a refrigerator.  We finally bring it in this past weekend.  Cathleya sees it and it hits her that the old one is going away.  The next morning she nearly has a breakdown because she's going to miss the old fridge.  She even hugs it.  So confused.  She's lethargic, doesn't want to get dressed for school, nearly cries over it.  She says she wants us to give it to someone we see often so she can "visit it".  Visit the refrigerator???  Daddy picks her up from school that day.  She says, "I'm still sad about the refrigerator."  I wonder how long this will last.

October 2013
Cathleya's picture day.  She picks out her fancy dress the night before and what she's going to wear.  She gets up this morning, "Do I change now or after I eat and brush my teeth so I don't get it dirty?"  Who is this girl?  So she eats, brushes, I fix her hair, help her change.  In a rush to find a necklace, she asks if she can wear her lip gloss.  She's got a small collection so I say yeah, fine, whatever.  We get to school and I look her once over.  The lip gloss is purple.  "Uh, no, take that off. You look like a clown."  She almost had a tantrum but I think she didn't want to have a tantrum in front of her class and I let her wear my color lip gloss.  It's light but still a little pink so she was ok with it.  What a girly girl.  Things to look forward to.

Up next, Cathleya's costume birthday party.  Not sure where yet.  Still have planning to do.

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